Our Services: What to Expect and Other Details

What to expect when you join us for a Eucharist Service

Our Services: What to Expect and Other Details

What to Expect


·      A greeter will say “Hi” to you, give you a bulletin, and point to an open pew


·      Our service follows a standard and defined script—that is what is meant by a liturgy—we are a liturgical church following pretty much what our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and those before us followed


·      We stand, we kneel for prayers (if able), we sit, and we walk to the front of the church to receive Communion at the point in the service


·      We do offer Communion to all baptized Christians; Communion is part of service every week



What Should I Wear?


·      Entirely your call—there is no dress code


·      Some wear a sports jacket but no tie; suits are seldom seen


·      Others wear jeans and a nice top


·      Most wear dress slacks with a dress or polo shirt 


·      Our worship room—called a “Sanctuary”—has a brand new air conditioner and heater, so don’t overdress thinking you will be cold: you will not!


·      Bottom Line: You decide!



How Long is the Service?


·      The 8:00 service is usually between 45—55 minutes long


·      The 10:30 service is longer because of music and lasts about 75 minutes 



What’s the Music Like?


·      At the 8:00 service, there is no music


·      At the 10:30, the service starts with an opening hymn taken from our hymnal


o  There are some contemporary songs usually during the time we collect an offering as well as during the time while everyone takes their turn to receive Communion


o  We also have short songs interspersed a few times during the service

§ What is really cool about these brief recitals is that they are as old as our tradition meaning we sing the songs that have been passed down through the centuries connecting us today to those who went ahead of us



How About the Sermons?


·      In our Anglican tradition, sermons are called “Homilies”  


·      They are a specialized sermon tying together the Bible readings we have each Sunday in an 8-10 minute message


·      The focus of our service is on Communion, not sermons, but it is important to reflect on the readings and how we might apply them in our daily faith walks which is the purpose of the homily